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Posters: Drinks

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Only one of its kind...

The only way to match a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label is with another bottle of the same. Smooth and mellow... this distinguished scotch whisky is unequalled for its full-bodied flavor, its friendly warmth.

Johnnie Walker.

Blended Scotch Whisky.

Black Label. 86.8 proof.

Born 1820 ...still going strong.
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Sauvion's Brandy

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Pezziol Padova.
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Champagne de Castellane

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Bière 'Phenix'

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The convalescent gains

The convalescent gains a step in the building-up process with every bottle of O-H Extract of Malt.

Send for pamphlet.

Otto Huber, Brooklyn, N. Y.
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Champagne Vicomte de Moulliac.
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Champagne Joseph Perrier

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Use the genuine

Use the genuine one dozen bottles of Johann Hoff's Malt Extract. Equal in Nutrivite and TONIC Properties one Cask of ALE, without being Intoxicating. It exalts the energies, stimulates the nutritive powers, improves the appetite, and aids digestion. It can be used for man, woman or child. Matchless as a tonic in convalescence.
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Seagers Special Dry Gin.
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Le Dauré

Le Dauré. Est Sur Toutes Les Tables.
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Berger 45 Type Marseillais.
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Good Taste

Good Taste that never misses.

Blatz Beer.

Fast Becoming America's New Favorite.
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Keeping pace

Keeping pace with your child's food requirements in war-time.

Horlicks is a valuable addition to the diet.

A child's appetite is just the same in war-time as in peacetime! Every mother knows this.

Most children have a liking and a desire for "something sweet," and you know, of course, that this desire for sweet things springs from the bodily need which a lively, growing child has for a food that can be quickly converted into energy.

Horlicks contains natural sugars (mulk sugar and malt sugars) and dextrins. These pass very rapidly into the blood-stream, providing the quick energy children need.

There is also a high proportion of protein (body-building material) in Horlicks -- 14.2%. Half of this is milk protein, half cereal protein; an ideal dietary yield.

In addition, Horlicks supplies protective minerals. Horlicks therefore makes a most useful addition to the diet of the active, growing child.

No milk needed.

The correct way to make Horlicks is and always has been to mix it with water only. The milk is already in it. What an advantage this is for mothers of young children at the present time! The use of Horlicks makes no demands on your milk supply.

So let your children have Horlicks as often as you can. They'll love it and it will do them so much good. Prices are the same as before the war: from two shillings a bottle, at all chemists and grovers.


We ask you to be patient when you cannot get Horlicks. Our reduced supplies are being distributed as evenly and fairly as possible.

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Rum La Negrita

Monopole P. Bardinet, Limoges.
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"We speak for MILK"

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Nestlé's Swiss Milk

Richest in Cream.
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Fitness wins

It is so much easier to be successful in games and in schoolwork if you are healthy, strong and vigorous. To ensure such fitness you will find it a great help to drink 'Ovaltine' every day.

This delicious food beverage is prepared from Nature's finest foods and provides the nourishment required to build up health, strength and abundant energy.

The special properties of 'Ovaltine' are recognized by leading trainers who make it a regular item of the training diet for players and athletes in their charge. 'Ovaltine' has also played an important part in many outstanding feats of endurance.

Drink delivious Ovaltine for Health, Strength and Vitality.
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Cognac aux Oeufs

Cognac aux Oeufs. Aurore. Spècialité de Liqueurs Fines.

F.Roessinger, Geneve.
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The 'Ovaltine' book of Nursery Rhymes

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My little old man and I fell out.

My little old man and I fell out.
I'll tell you what it was all about:
He finished the 'Ovaltine', left me none,
And that's the way the noise began.
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Champagne Riger Desivry.

Èpernay, France.
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The Super Dooper.

"The railroads are certainly going after business these days."

Time, August 4, 1947.
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