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Posters: Drinks

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Cristal Eau De table. S' des Eaux Minerales de Montrond.
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It's the way you hold your glass

Connoisseur! His favorite whiskey tastes the same everywhere, for he mixes with White Rock, the water from one Spring only. Makes the best possible highball.

Careful! She absolutely refuses all those bottled, carbonated tap-waters. Always insists on White Rock, for its mineral tang makes her highballs taste better.

Wise! He is one of those thrify people, who know that 3 cents is all that it costs to mix a drink with White Rock, when they use the Large Party Size.

Gracious! The perfect hostess! Always considerate! She makes sure her guests' highballs will be keen and bubbling and will stay that wy to the very end!

When in Indianapolis remember: The Hotel Claypool serves long, tall drinks with White Rock... at no extra charge.

White Rock.

Good whiskies deserve White Rock, all other whiskies need it.
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Cognac Richarpailloud.
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John Smith's Magnet Pale Ale

John Smith's Magnet Pale Ale. A Magnet for me!
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Tonic and restorative

Tonic and restorative. Take "Sanatogen" tonic wine and enjoy what the doctor orders.
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Moretti. Birra Friulana.
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Birra Itala Pilsen

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The Whisky of the Empire

The name "Haig" is, in the whisky world, synonymous with the word "quality." Nothing finer goes into any bottle.

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Bières de Chartres

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Biére de l'Eclair

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"I'm from Milwaukee and I ought to know..."

"I'm from Milwaukee and I ought to know... Blatz is Milwaukee's finest beer" says Dress Designer La Verne Sunde.

"Good taste" is Miss Sunde's guide in designing clothes... and in choosing Blatz, her favorite beer, too.

"We Milwaukeeans pride ourselves on being good judges of fine beer," says La Verne Sunde. "Living in the nation's premium-beer capital, we have our pick of the best. So you can take my word for it when I say Milwaukee's finest beer is Blatz!" Try Blatz... today.

Blatz is Milwaukee's first Bottled Beer.
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Bière Gangloff

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Drink White House Coffee

"A story without words"


White House Coffee never disappoints.

Packed under the most perfect sanitary conditions.

Sold in all the States, Bermuda, Mexico and Canadian Provinces.

The White House Brand Tea, 1/4-lb. and 1/2-lb. full-weight tins, is just as good as White House Coffee.

Dwinell-Wright Co., Principal Coffee Roasters, Boston--Chicago.
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"I have found my spring"

"I have found my spring," said Col. Crow... "and here will I build my distillery".

Here, at Frankfort, Kentucky, a century later, we use the same limestone spring in distilling Old Crow Whiskey.

Bottled in Bond.

Those in the know -- ask for Old Crow Kentucky Straight.


A truly great name among American great whiskeys.

Kentucky Straight Whiskey. Borbon of Rye. 100 Proof. National Distillers Prod. Corp., New York.
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le "Bon Bock" Atlantique

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It takes time to bring gin to the perfection that is

It takes time to bring gin to the perfection that is Booth's. The one Matured gin.

The only gin with the Blue Seal of the Institute of Hygiene.
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ring for Belmont...

ring for Belmont... enjoy the tastiest of the straight bourbons.

our pledge...

"Every drop in the Belmont bottle is the full age designated on the label... your assurance of perfection."

Straight Bourbon Whiskey. This whiskey is 6 years old. 86 proof. Belmont Distilling Co., Lawrenceburg, Ind.
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Remember this name

Brewers' Best Pilsener Beer Premium.

The new big name in beer.

"For top quality and flavor, give me Brewers' Best Premium Beer every time," says Sammy Kaye, famous orchestra leader.

Yes, remember the name Brewers' Best whenever you want a great glass of beer. For everything about Brewer's Best spells quality... it's light, it's clean-tasting, and it's truly distinguished for its appetizing flavor and delicate bouquet.

Brewers' Best Premium Beer marks the greatest advance in the brewing industry for over a century. It is brewed and bottled by a country-wide group of carefully selected prominent brewers whose combined experience and resources have produced this superior premium beer.

Remember the name -- Brewers' Best Premium Beer. And get set to enjoy the most distinctive beer you ever tasted... Brewer's Best, the beer you've been waiting for!

Brewers' Best Premium Beer.

Brewers' Best Associates, Inc., 620 Fifth Ave., New York.
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Sure as sunset

Sure as the sun settles down in the west each night... your drinks can be finest under the sun! Just be SURE to settle for nothing than the best... the superb pre-war quality of 7 Crown... Seagram's finest American whiskey.

Say Seagram's and be Sure ...of The Pre-War Quality.

Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended whiskey. 86.8 proof. 65% grain neutral spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corporation, Chrysler Building, New York.
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The world agrees

The world agrees on "Gilbey's Please".

It's dry, naturally dry... It's clear, crystal clear... It's the right proof, 90 proof, for perfect mixing... perfect taste.

The international gin -- distilled and bottled in the United States, England, Canada, Australia, South Africa, France, Italy, Argentina, Brazil and Chile.
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Whitbread's large bottles. Bottled beers. Naturally matured.
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Biere de Maxéville

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Carling's Red cap Ale

Here's something that happens more than a million times a day (and more on holidays).

Every time one of those Carling's caps pops off, here's what someone gets:

A brew that's better, not bitter -- deliberately different -- a light, bright flavor cross-blended for the American taste.

Brewing Corporation of America.

Cleveland, Ohio.

Born in Canada (1840). Now going great in the 40 states.
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Beer belongs... enjoy it

"Horseshoe pitching" by John Falter. Number 7 in the series "Home Life in America," by noted American illustrators.

Beer belongs... enjoy it.

In this home-loving land of ours... in this America of kindliness, of friendship, of good-humored tolerance... perhaps no beverages are more "at home" on more occasions than good American beer and ale.

For beer is the kind of beverage Americans like. It belongs -- to pleassant living, to good fellowship, to sensible moderation. And our right to enjoy it, this too belongs -- to our American heritage of personal feedom.

America's Beverage of Moderation.
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You don't have to wait until after the war

All over America people today are asking questions. They are wondering about the kind of products they will be able to buy after the war.

What will the new automobiles be like? Will synthetic tires really outlast our cars? What new miracles can we look for in radio, television, home refrigeration and air conditioning?

But you don't have to wait until the war is over to enjoy perfection in one of the good things of life. Today, in Schlitz, you are truly drinking the beer of tomorrow.

Keeping a step ahead is traditional at Schlitz. Those well informed on brewing know that for nearly 100 years Schlitz has pioneered almost every major advancement in the American brewing art.

And most important of all, Schlitz now brings you just the kiss of the hops -- all of the delicate flavor, none of the bitterness. That famous flavor found only in Schlitz tells you that you don't have to wait until after the war to enjoy your post-war beer. The beer of tomorrow is here today!

Invest in Liberty! Buy war bonds.

The beer that made Milwaukee famous.

Brewed with just the kiss of the hops -- none of the bitterness.
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