The SitM Project

Collecting pictures from the past.


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Make someone happy.
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Clinicque Chéron

Médecin vétérinaire specialiste.
8 Rue des Moulins. Paris.
Sanatorium, Pension.
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la voce che incanta

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Ye Signs of ye "Monkey" Brand.

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la Blédine.

Prépare des Générations D'Athlètes.
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One Iron In The Fire

Those who mind their own business always have the most business to mind.

Let's Hit While It's Hot.
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Adam Bros. International Circus

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The "International" Cricket Bat

F.Hayres. London.
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Roll on Rubber

We Are Building Business for You -- Right Now.

Three things are being done for you by the Chicago Roller Skate Co.: 1. An aggressive National Advertising Campaign is creating the demand for more high grade skates -- more in quantity and better in quality. 2. This Company has a price-protection policy which it has maintained for the past 8 years -- a policy which makes it possible to sustain good prices and good profits -- practically eliminating price-cutting competition. 3. New "Chicago" ideas are being constantly offered to create interest and promote turnover.

Have you kept pace with such leadership? Do you realize the value to YOU of "Chicago" skates and policies?

We will gladly supply electros or mats for local tie ups; also reprints of ads or display cards. Be sure to write for a supply of our New Interesting Booklets on "How to Roller Skate." Order Early from your jobber or write for prices and discounts.

Chicago Roller Skate Co.

4452 W. Lake Street. Chicago, Illinois.
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Real Scotch Shortbread

Real Scotch Shortbread. Auld Lang Syne Shortbread comes from the famous old Huntley & Palmers bakeshops of Reading and London, England. Made from an old Sotch recipe, it has the character and flavor which only real Scotch shortbread can have. Of rare distinction, Auld Lang Syne Shortbread has proven immensely popular and has been re-ordered repeatedly. It may be purchased from any authorized Huntley & Palmers dealer, or we will be glad to mail you a package, post prepaid on receipt of your order.
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Cafe on Leche Condensada

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Maison Fondée En 1851. Parapluie-Revel. Lyon (France). The very best umbrella manufacturer. Established 1851. Made in France.
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Skegness is so bracing.
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Swing Rite With Rite-Hite!

Swing right in line with the growing demand for Rite-Hite Tees.

Golfers everywhere are realizing that Rite-Hite Tees eliminate gusswork in the proper tee up of the ball. Always the same height. They hold the ball in line with the arc of the club enabling the player to hit the ball at the same poinf of contact consistently. A basic principle for truer and longer drives.

Rite-Hite Tees are made of right, priced right, and the great demand is your assurance for quick turnover. Large manufacturing facilities assure a constant source of supply.

You can depend on us for one or a million.

The General Timber & Lumber Co.

7102 Woodland Ave. Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
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Rawlings Golf Balls

Power and distance.

Accurate flight.

Exceptional control.

Rawlings Gold Balls are made to satisfy all players under any and all conditions. Excellent distance, with woor or iron, control while putting and durability are the qualities embodied in their construction.

These results are obtained from scientific manufactur, Superior covers, and paint that lasts.

Rawlings guarantees satisfaction to the user.

Rawlings Golf Balls conform strictly to the specifications of the U. S. G. Governing Body, and are 1.62 in weight and 1.68 in size, the present U. S. G. A. standard.

"Rawlings", "Tam", "Hot Shot".

Rawlings "Red Bird".

Rawlings "Raven".
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The New Meccano

Engineering for Boys.
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Produits de Kolas Frais

Toni-Kola (Vin).
Kola-Kry (Liqeur).
Extrait Concentré.

Maison Secrestat Bordeaux.
Agente & Depot: 17. B, de la Madeleine, Paris.
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Chocolat Fançois

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Ross's Royal Belfast

Aerated Table Waters.
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Exposition et Concours de Canots Automobiles.
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Musee de la Publicite.

18, rue de Paradis Paris X.
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Cycles Perfecta

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The halld of a flat

The halld of a flat in Park Lane, where the furnishings and decorations were carried out entirely by Harrods. The beautifully shaped wing-chair near the fire place has a carved pickled pine underframe and is covered with silk needlework in pastel shades of green, blue, russet and peach on a cream beige bckground.


Harrods Ltd.
London SW1.
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