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Posters: Drinks

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White House Coffee

White House Coffee is genuine coffee of the highest quality, roasted with utmost care and packed in 1 and 2 lb. airtight tin cans to preserve its flavour. It may be obtained both whole and ground. IT'S QUITE THE BEST, and you should insist that your grocer brings IT in preferences to any other.

If it happens that you find difficulty in obtaining it, write us, and we will see to it that same dealers in your city or town shall supply you. Use the address nearest you.

Dwinell-Wright Co.

Boston. Principal Coffee Roasters. Chicago.


After Reflection.

The average coffee-user decides finally in its favor.

You reflect.

You decide.

Because it's simply impossible to conceive of any other coffee so satisfactory as "White House".
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Braunschweiger Mumme Malt.

A nutrient tonic.

A Liquid Malt Extract. Palatable as well as nourishing.

Recommended by Paricians.

Creates appetite, aids digestion.

Braunschweiger Mumme is our proprietary designation of a concentrated liquid extract of malt and hops, brewed for us under especial conditions and designed to accomplish the purpose of serving as a food-medicine for the weak, the nervous, nursing mothers and convalescents. Accordinly, we offer it to the medical profession for their intelligent prescription of it in anaemia, digestive complications, nervous irritability, insomnia, headache and other nervous troubles, as well as a remarkably beneficial substance for nursing mothers, a rare support for convalescents and a general tonic and invigorant of marked efficacy in lung troubles. It carries a very small percentage of alcohol, is rich in diastase and the properties and principles of a true invigorant and tonic, and produces its effects promptly.

280-282-284 Bergen St. Brooklyn, N. Y.

Long Island Bottling Co.
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Porto Pitters

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Dixie Springs

Dixie Springs. Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Bottled for Dixie Distributing Co. Covington, Ky.
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Cherry Maurice Chevalier

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Welch's For Pure Enjoyment.
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Celui Des Connaisseurs.
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Know your Scotch

When the barley is properly sprouted, it is removed from the malting floors and taken to the drying kilns. Here -- in a cupola-shaped building -- the malted barley is spread out on huge grids or drying screens. Then -- far below -- peat fires are lighted. It is the smoke of the burning peat, as it passes through the barley, that imparts the fragrance for whick Highland Malts are so famous.

No. 5 in a series of informative advertisements.

"It's the Flavour"

Teacher's Highland Cream.

The Scotch you know is always right.

Blended Scotch Whisky... 86 Proof. Made since 1830 by Wm. Teacher & Sons, Ltd., Glasgow. Sole Importers: Schieffelin & Co., New York 3, New York. Importers since 1794.
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Bitter Secrestat

Le Plus Ancien Des Apéritifs a la Gentiane.
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Anisetta Evangelisti Liquore da Dessert

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Good Taste

Good Taste even to the tips of her fingers.

For good taste

Today, more people than ever before prefer the good t aste of this pale, dry Pilsener beer.

Order from your dealer today in 12-oz. bottles.

Milwaukee's Most Exquisite Beer.

The Blatz Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. In our 92nd year.
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To the Manor born!

It's costly -- this pale, dry, golden beer. That's made in Maryland's sunny clime! It costs more to brew and it costs more to buy. Yet lovers of good living everywhere. Consider it well worth tis extra price! See the big difference a few cents make.

"Maryland's Masterpiece!"
National Premium Beer.

Brewed and bottled by the National Brewing Co., of Baltimore in Maryland.
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Sparkling Klolafra

Sparkling Klolafra. The drink of drinks. Quenches Thirst, Allays Fatigue, Refreshes the Whole Body. Sold at soda fountains and in bottles everywhere. It is drank everywhere by shoppers, business and professional men, by athletes and cyclers, and by the tired and thirsty and overworked of every age, sex and condition. The Kolafra Co.
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Cognac Pellisson

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Great Western

Great Western was the only American Champagne to receive a Gold Medal at Paris -- and was acknowledged by Parisians to equal the most select brands. In

Great Western
Extra Dry

you will recognize the taste of the Old Worl's best vintages -- at half the cost. It's the duty, not the quality, that makes difference. The quality of grapes is what imparts to fine Champagne its flavor. Particular care in making ang ageing is essential, but the fine rich, mellow, yet delicately flavored grape, is necessary.

Great Western is made from grapes having the same fine qualities as those grown in the best vineyards of France.

Cultivation of the soil, extending over nearly one hundred years, in the Great Western Vineyards at Rheims N.Y., has developed the ideal vine that produces this fine wine grape. The process of making Great Western is identical with that of the finest French wines. It is absolutely pure and is aged for five years in the latest improved modern cellars.

Try Great Western
Pleasant Valley Wine Co., Sole Makers, rheims, N. Y.

Sold by dealers in fine Wines and served in Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes.
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Rosewood. Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whisky.

Bottled by General Distillers Corporation of Kentucky. Louisville, Kentucky.
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When selecting your whisky, bear in mind that Dewar's "White Label," by virtue of its age, quality and high flavour, occupies a position in the front rank of stimulants. Eminent doctors and analysts recomment it on account of its wholesomeness.

Be sure it's Dewar's "White Label."
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Single Malt Scotch

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Jack Daniel's

Old No. 7 Brand.

Tennessee Whiskey.
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"Mumm's the word"

"Mumm's the word" from the Champagne district of France.

Our Champagne wines are made from the finest grapes and particularly appeal to the cultivated taste. Our cellars, since 1854, have uninteruptedly held reserves of Champagne wines.

Champagnes of the highest quality.

G. H. Mumm & Co.

Sociéte Vinicole de Champagne, Successeur.


By appointment to H. M. King George V.
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Porto & Sherry Sandeman

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Careful... don't waste a drop

Careful... don't waste a drop. That's Old Smuggler Brand.

Old Smuggler Scotch Whisky is composed and nurtured with patience and scruple... and is distinguished by great softness and delicacy of flavour. Blended and bottled in Dumbarton, Scotland.

From Scotland for 69 Years.

Blended Scotch Whisky -- 86 proof.

W. A. Taylor & Company, New York City, sole agents for U. S. A.
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Bulmer's Champagne Cider

Produced by the old French method of maturing Champagne in the bottle.

Its use reduced Imports. Full of Health, Zest and fine Flavour. The Quintessence of the Apple.

Delicious to drink. For health unequalled.

Write for free Booklet to Makers: H. P. Bulmer & Co., Hereford.

Wholesale London and Export Agents: Findlater, Mackie, Todd & Co., Ltd., London Bridge, S.E.

Connoisseurs at Club, Hotel or Restaurant, always select Bulmer's the highest grade Cider. Its sale reduces imports. Made by exactly the same process as Champagne. Noted by experts for careful ageing, purity, and flavour.

Write for Free Illustrated Booklet.
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Kina Lillet

Au Vin Blanc de la Gironde.
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