A Cold Bottle never holds more in pleasure and satisfaction than when it contain White Rock -- the finest water obtainable. There's a champagne suggestion in its effervescence; in its combination with light wines; in its universal favor with connoisseurs.Picture identifier:
All Dressed Up and Going Places. All dressed up in their modern new labels, these internationally famous Carling's products are being seen everywhere from Montreal ato Birmingham -- from Maine to Bombay. For these labels bear the names synonymous with all that is finest in the brewer's art. From ten breweries in Canada, Britain and the United States these world famous beers are proving to millions, in 58 countries the world over, that when it is Carling's
It's a Pure Case of Pleasure.
The best brews in the world come from Carling's.Picture identifier:
"Halloo your name to the reverberate hills, and make the babbling gossip of the air cry out".
The Bard of Avon gave much good advice. He was different from other men in that much of his advice has beenfollowed -- particularly in the instance of the above quotation and Coca-Cola:
The drink you read about. And the little red sign brightens the streets and corners of cities and towns everywhere, its name more familiar than the names of the streets themselves.
The Coca-Cola Co, Atlanta, Ga.
Twelfth Night. Act I, Scene 3.
8 million a day.
It had to be good to get where it is.Picture identifier: